Diploma in Psychology

Diploma in Psychology

This course in Psychology is for anyone who is interested in the field. Whether you would like to study it further and become a Psychologist, or whether you just want to acquire some psychological skills for identifying problems, or learning some skills for helping someone in psychological distress, this course will do it for you. This course is designed to touch on most parts of the field of Psychology and it was planned in such a way that the student would have gained a variety of practical psychological skills after completion of the course.

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  • Explore the roles of the brain and nervous system in psychology
  • Grasp the five stages of micro skill interviews and open communication
  • Understand the ways in which the brain impacts human behaviour
  • Understand a variety of cognitive processes and how they are executed
  • Differentiate between mental disorders and describe the ways in which the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) 5 is used in terms of diagnosing and treating them

16 Weeks


32 Lessons

Plus toolkits

4 Modules





Of your course.

module 1

Introduction in Psychology



  1. What is Psychology?After introduction of the course, a definition of the field of psychology is provided. The Educator lists various ways in which psychology is part of society, i.e. on the playground in schools, when friends and/or strangers interact with each other, at work, going to the supermarket, socializing with friends. The ways in which our emotions experience things around us are all a part of psychology, together with motivation, learning, memory, and communication. The lesson will conclude with educating the student about three therapeutic skills that are needed in any type of therapy when Psychologists see clients. The aim is for the student to attentively take in these skills so that they will be able to adapt it to their personal lives and experience first-hand how well it works when there is a problem situation that arises with a person and they are wanting to be of assistance.
  2. What really happens in therapy?Touch on the basic ways in which the brain functions and the important parts that have to do with emotions, motivations, executive functions, etc. Students should be able to describe how the brain influences behavior after this part of the lesson. Sketch a scenario of one or two brain injuries and how it affected the person's behavior and functioning after the injuries.
  3. Caring for Others
  4. Psychological is Biological

    This lesson explores the role of the brain and nervous system in Psychology, the structure of the brain and the function of the various regions of the brain, as well as how they impact our physiology and psychology. You will learn about Neurons, Neurotransmitters and Chemicals, and their role in Psychology and daily functioning. 

  5. Brain Work

    This lesson will answer how much of the brain we really use. You will learn about the nervous system, the brain and its parts as well as Degenerative Neural Disorders.

  6. Cognitive Development

    In lesson 6 we explore Cognitive Development, what it means and who contributed to this theory, as well as what their core principles were that contributed to Cognitive Development as we know it today . We will also discuss the nature versus nurture debate. Does our environment determine who we are or is it our nature?

  7. Abnormal Psychology

    Lesson 7 looks at Abnormal Psychology. You will learn about DSM 5, normality and abnormality which are concepts that not everyone will agree on. The DSM 5 categorises abnormal behaviours for the purpose of diagnosis.

  8. Social Psychology

    In the final lesson of Module 1 you will learn about Social Psychology. You will learn what Social Psychology is, core social motives and key features. We will also explore Ordinary Personology and Social Cognition. Why do People Do What they Do?

module 2

Intermediate in Psychology



  1. Attention and Consciousness

    In this lesson you will learn whether humans can actively process information even if we are not aware of doing so. Some of the functions of attention will be addressed in addition to some of the theories of attentional processes. Finally, we will investigate what cognitive psychologists have learned about attention by studying the human brain.

  2. Perception

    In this lesson we will focus on visual perception. Core topics will include sensation and representation, theoretical approaches to perception and deficits in perception and how all of these are related to psychology.

  3. Memory processes

    This lesson introduces you to some of the tasks used for studying memory, leading to the traditional model of memory. This model includes the sensory, short-term, and long-term memory storage systems. Alternative perspectives about memory will also be considered in addition to exceptional memory and insights provided by neuropsychology.

  4. Knowledge acquisition, representation, and organisation

    In this lesson we will address knowledge representation in our brains, and how we organise it so that we can retrieve it and then use it. In addition, this lesson will describe a few models for representing procedural knowledge, which is knowledge about how to follow various procedural steps for performing actions.

  5. The nature and acquisition of language

    This lesson first briefly describes some of the general properties of language. The next topics discuss the process of language, including how we understand the meaning of particular words, and then how we structure words into meaningful sentences. The final section of this lesson elaborates the linguistic approach to language by describing how each of us has acquired at least one language. Language also brings up the nature-nurture debate, and it focuses on how acquired abilities interact with experience and these will be addressed in this lesson's final core objective.

  6. Problem-solving and creativity

    This lesson considers the process of solving problems as well as some of the hindrances and aids to problem solving, the goal of which is to overcome obstacles obstructing the path to a solution. In many problems, we use our knowledge to solve them, however in other problems we use creative insights. Creativity may serve purposes other than that of being the goal of problem solving. All of the above will be discussed and presented in this lesson.

  7. Decision-making and reasoning

    This lesson will address the goal of judgement and decision making, which is to select from choices or to evaluate opportunities. The second section of this lesson addresses the various forms of reasoning. The goal of reasoning is to draw conclusions deductively from principles and inductively from evidence.

  8. Human and Artificial Intelligence

    In this lesson you will learn about the definition of intelligence, the measures and structures of intelligence, and information processing and intelligence. Alternative approaches to intelligence will be addressed, such as the influence of the role of culture on intelligence, multiple intelligence's, and finally we will inquire about whether intelligence can be improved and we will touch on artificial intelligence in the final part of the lesson.

module 3

Advanced in Psychology



  1. The psychology of sexuality

    This lesson will teach the student about the function that sex serves in society and how it is necessary for well-being of humans and not feeling alone and isolated. Sex is about connecting with another person and although it also serves us with the function of procreation it builds intimacy between partners. The problems of sex will also be discussed and how it may impact a relationship.

  2. Conception, childbirth and the newborn

    In this lesson you will be taught how a child develops since before birth, up until adolescence. Complications at birth, together with early learning and motor skills in the infant will be addressed. The lesson will conclude with interesting facts about physical growth in the young child, the course of growth, brain development and factors affecting physical growth.

  3. Physical and emotional development

    The goal of this lesson, in essence is to provide the student with information regarding the development of a child's personality and social development and this entails the development of emotions, psycho-social, and moral development. The functions of emotions will be addressed, as well as the development of attachment, the development of the self-concept as well as morality.

  4. The development of the self

    In this lesson you will learn about how the self develops and social understanding, discuss how children think about other people and address moral development. 

  5. Development during adolescence

    In this lesson we will discuss the physical transition into adulthood and consider the psychological impact of pubertal events as well as address adolescent health concerns. 

  6. Disorders diagnosed during childhood

    In this lesson you will be introduced to disorders that are generally diagnosed during childhood. The educator will describe these disorders to you in addition to providing you with the diagnostic criteria for meeting a specific diagnosis. Finally, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry will be discussed in order for students to understand how a diagnosis is made.

  7. The Family Life Cycle

    In this lesson you will learn about the family life cycle that every family go through. There are nine stages to the family life cycle and each will be described. In addition, any problems or potential problems that might arise in each of these life cycles will be discussed.

  8. Family Therapy

    The family will be discussed in this lesson. The definition of what makes a family and how everyday issues play out in family life. The core of this lesson will focus on the circular causality of family problems and family therapy from a structural family therapy approach will be discussed. Students will learn valuable information about how problems originate in families and how they can be solved.

module 4

Proficient in Psychology



  1. Depressive disorders

    In this lesson the student will learn about depressive disorders, how to identify them according to the DSM-5 and ways in which to treat these disorders. 

  2. Bipolar and Related Disorders

    Bipolar disorders were recently given their own chapter in the new DSM-5 and include Bipolar 1 Disorder, Bipolar 2 Disorder, and Cyclothymia. This lesson will describe the most common symptoms of each disorder, the formal diagnostic criteria as listed in the DSM-5 and the treatment options for these disorders.

  3. Anxiety Disorders

    Anxiety is a symptom, however, if such symptoms persist and cause panic attacks we move into what we call anxiety disorders. Anxiety may have a variety of causes and are usually treated with psychotherapy as well as medication. The lesson will aim to give insight into anxiety and anxiety disorders and the treatment of those as well as diagnostic criteria for the various anxiety disorders.

  4. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

    Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), body dysmorphic disorder, hoarding disorder, trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder), excoriation (skin-picking) disorder, substance/medication-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition, and other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder and unspecified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder (e.g., body-focused repetitive behavior disorder, obsessional jealousy). This lesson will describe the most common symptoms of each disorder, the diagnostic criteria for each disorder, as well as treatment options that are currently available to treat them

  5. Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders

    Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders will be addressed in this lesson. These disorders are characterised by delusions and hallucinations and often have an organic cause, however, illegal drug use can also cause hallucinations and delusions. This lesson will explain the symptoms of such disorders, the diagnostic criteria and treatment options.

  6. Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders

    Trauma- and stressor-related disorders include disorders in which exposure to a traumatic or stressful event is listed explicitly as a diagnostic criterion. These include reactive attachment disorder, disinhibited social engagement disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, and adjustment disorders. Symptoms, DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and treatment options will be discussed and addressed in this lesson.

  7. Dissociative Disorders

    Dissociative disorders are characterised by a disruption of and/or discontinuity in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior. Dissociative symptoms can potentially disrupt every area of psychological functioning. This chapter includes dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, depersonalisation/derealisation disorder, other specified dissociative disorder, and unspecified dissociative disorder. This lesson will provide the student with the most common symptoms, diagnostic criteria for meeting such a disorder and how these disorders are treated.

  8. Personality Disorders

    Personality disorders are diagnosed after the age of 18 years. These disorders are divided and classified under certain clusters based on their symptoms and characteristics. These symptoms and clusters will be discussed, together with diagnostic criteria and treatment options available or used successfully.

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